
How To Set Up Addictive Drums

Beginner'south guide to e-drums with Addictive Drums 2

What you lot need:

  • An e-drum kit.
  • A estimator that meets the system requirements
  • Addictive Drums 2 (the demo or a purchased -version)
  • A cablevision that connects your e-drum kit to your computer. If the pulsate module has a USB jack, you can merely use a regular USB cable. Otherwise you will also need an audio interface with MIDI in, or a MIDI to USB device

Regardless of the connections on your pulsate module, we recommend that you lot get a defended audio interface for music production. Not only does information technology help keeping the latency at a minimum, it likewise gives you proper balanced outputs (instead of the headphone jack on your laptop). With that said, you could get decent results with your computer'due south built-in sound card, using Core Sound drivers in OSX or ASIO4ALL drivers in Windows.

Let's get started!

Now that you take all the necessary gear it's time to set up your e-drum kit so that information technology triggers the sounds in Addictive Drums. If your e-drum kit is continued to your computer direct via USB, go to the e-drum manufacturer's website and go the latest software drivers for your kit. If your e-pulsate kit is connected via MIDI In on your audio interface, brand sure that the audio interface drivers are installed and upwardly to date.

Enabling your midi device

The next step is to load upwards the Addictive Drums ii standalone application. You can of form trigger the sounds in Addictive Drums 2 while it is loaded as a plug-in in your DAW, simply we will focus on the standalone version for this commodity.

Click the [Audio & MIDI Setup] button in the tiptop left corner of Addictive Drums 2 (if you are running the plug-in version of AD2, these settings will be bachelor in your DAW preferences). Depending on how your e-drum kit is connected to your computer, either the name of the east-drum kit or your audio interface should exist present in the Agile Midi Inputs list. Check the box next to your device to enable it.

Audio MIDI Setup
Enable your midi device in the Sound & Midi Setup

Checking that AD2 receives the MIDI

Now information technology'south time to load up the Map Window in Addictive Drums. Yous can notice it in the menu that pops up when you lot click the [?] push button in the height right. Try hitting a pad on your due east-pulsate kit and proceed an center on the MIDI MONITOR in the superlative left of the Map Window. If you have done all the previous steps correctly, the Midi Monitor should wink and requite info on the incoming midi message.

MIDI Monitoring
The Midi Monitor flashes and displays information on incoming midi letters

Setting the Map Preset

The last matter you need to do is to make sure that the pads on your e-drum kit trigger the correct sounds. Addictive Drums two includes Map Presets for over 30 e-drum kits. Try the MAP PRESET dropdown box in the top left of the Map Window. If your east-drum kit is listed, simply select it and the mapping will adjust to your kit automatically. If your e-pulsate kit is non listed, but other models of the same brand are - try loading a Map Preset for another model. Chances are that the mapping is, if not fully compatible, so at least a good starting point for a custom Map Preset.

Map Preset
The Map Preset dropdown bill of fare includes presets for many different e-drum models

Creating a custom Map Preset

Creating a custom Map Preset is really piece of cake. In the Map Window, click the [SNARE] button to list all the bachelor stroketypes for the Snare. Then click the [Learn] button next to Snare Open Hitting and hit the snare drum pad to assign the sound. If you have a separate zone for the rim (meaning the rim sends out a different midi note than the centre), and then you tin can assign that to Snare RimShot or perhaps Snare Sidestick.

Learn Button
Click the Learn button next to a stroketype before you hitting the pad you desire to assign it to

After that, just follow the same procedure for the Kick, the Toms etc. until y'all take mapped out the whole kit. Yous can as well drag a stroketype from the list and drop it straight onto the keyboard on the correct.

Drag & drop stroke types
The Map Window supports drag&drop of stroke types directly onto the keyboard

Don't forget to save the Map Preset when yous're done, so you tin easily load it up the side by side time you need it. You can even gear up your custom Map Preset to exist the default by clicking the appropriately labeled button [Prepare this as my default].

Now yous're ready to rock!

For more information on due east-drum recording nosotros recommend this article:

How To Set Up Addictive Drums,


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